Computer Lab
Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering & Technology
Computer Center
The Computer center has four computer labs & one hardware lab of the latest configuration. In addition to catering to the needs of the students of the Computer Science & Engineering, the Labs also caters to the needs of students of other departments, the faculty and staff of the College. The College has created unlimited Internet facility in the Lab and College Campus through 40 Mbps lease line connection & Wi-Fi facility, which is available 24 hours to the students & staff without any extra charges.
The College has established a well equipped Computer Centre. The Center has 273 personal Computers. All of these are of latest configuration.
The Computer Centre has got INTERNET Connectivity through 40Mbps lease line connection. This provides students and faculty opportunities to access and download information of all kinds from various sources.
Internet Facility:
Internet connection of 40Mbps lease line connection & Wi-Fi facility, High speed Internet connectivity(dedicated line), Well-designed website of the college, Internet facility provided to every depts. of the College.
C/C++, Windows XP, MS-office, Visual Studio, Proxy Server, IBM Server.