Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering & Technology College
Features Of Electrical Maintenance
- This section of the Institute has independent feeder with 3 Commercial Electricity Connection with a sanctioned load is as:-
Institute – 319kW
Water Works – 29kW
Sewerage Treatment Plant – 10kW
- This institute has 24 x 7 Hot Line Connection from State Electricity Board.
- This Institute has its own Indoor Substation of 11kV.
- In this substation, a transformer of rating 800kVA with VCB is installed
- Due to the independent feeder, the Institute has an excellent power back-up with conversion of 11kV to 440V supply by the Indoor transformer.
- The Institute has also 63kVA D.G. Generator Set for power back-up.
- The Institute is also following the norms of Energy Conservation Policy as notified time-to-time by the Competent Authority. Energy Conservation Guidelines (1225 downloads )
- From substation, 9 underground cables of diameter 185mm2 are taken out to control different sections/ building of Institute.
2 underground cables for Institute
2 underground cables for Boys Hostel
2 underground cables for Girls Hostel
1 underground cable for Street Lighting Control
(In all 01 cable is in working mode and another is in stand-by mode)
The Institute has main focus on energy saving/ conservation as per guidelines issued by Govt. and have implemented various Energy Conservation Measures:
- Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient Equipment.
- Sensor-based Energy Conservation.
- Focus on Non-Conventional Energy Resources.
The Electricity section of the Institute has also made efforts for energy initiatives through the following:
- Annual Indoor 11kV Substation Inspection as per direction of Govt. of Haryana.
- Energy Audit carried out by the students.
Responsibilities and duties discharged by Electrical Maintenance Section:-
- Allocation of maintenance jobs in Institute Academic area to outsourcing staff
- Will report for work in morning shift and be responsible for addressing emergent situation occurring during this shift
- Operation and maintenance of lifts in all campus, keeping track of their AMCs and making payment of AMC in due time
- Purchase installation and maintenance of various equipment e.g Air Conditioners, Water Coolers, UPS systems, Dessert coolers, Exhaust fans, RO systems etc. in all sections and departments of institute.
- Proper record of store, diesel, load demand, consumption etc.
- Monitoring and inspection of all electrical works executed by CPWD in the institute
- Allocation of maintenance jobs in the Hostels area to outsourcing staff
- Maintenance of street lighting in all campus: academic, residential and hostels.
- Operation and maintenance of all DG sets throughout campus and maintaining adequate stock of diesel.
- Loading tracking at 3 number of institute substations and load relief as when required.
- To maintain and make necessary efforts for substation sustainability.
- Reading, Dispatch and Recovery of electricity charges from Hostel sector which involves meter reading, issuing bills and collecting charges
- Maintenance of water supply motors
- Purchase, installation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment (fire extinguishers) in the campus.
- Allocation of maintenance jobs in the Residential area to outsourcing staff
- Will report for work in morning shift, however be responsible for addressing emergent situation occurring during night shift
- Liaising with UHBVN for bulk electricity supply, maintaining record of electricity bills of institute.
- Recovery of electricity charges from residential sector which involves meter reading, issuing bills and collecting charges.
- Rewiring works of all old buildings and replacement of old distribution systems with LT Panels
- Commissioning of Lifts for persons with disabilities
- Diesel purchase for whole institute requirements
- Power saving measures time to time like replacement of old fixtures with LED and low wattage electrical appliances etc.
- To execute and maintain the renewable energy generation system
- Details sent to ministry time to time whenever requisites received
- To process the new cases for necessary electrical renovation or requirements of the institute with the vision of institute growth.
- Purchase the batteries/ UPS either by new purchase/ buyback for institute as suitable.
- And other jobs
Puneet Chawla
CURRICULUM VITAE (1270 downloads )
Associate Professor (Electrical Engg. Department)
Officer-in-Charge (Electricity)
Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engg. & Tech.
Panniwala Mota (Sirsa)
Mb. No. +9194167-88602
e-mail Id: [email protected]
Raman Kamboj
Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty)
Additional Officer-in-Charge (Electricity)
Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engg. & Tech.
Panniwala Mota (Sirsa)
Mb. No. 9992701901