Entrepreneurship Development Programme
Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering & Technology College
Entrepreneurship Development Programme
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Cell was established in the Institute with a vision to introduce & promote Entrepreneurship skills among the students & Industry-Institute Interaction (III). The EDP Cell is a non-profit student-run cell at CDLSIET Panniwala Mota (Sirsa) under the supervision of Faculty in-charge. The mission of EDP cell is to encourage & refine the Entrepreneurial and product development skills of the students like idea generation, opportunity evaluation, business modeling, marketing, Intellectual property rights, new innovative project development, skill development and many more. To develop the above qualities & to become an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Club is also constituted in the Institute under EDP Cell.
To become an entrepreneur and to promote the entrepreneurship qualities among the students and Industry-Institute interactions, the cell is conducting regular lectures, workshops, seminars, competitions inside the Institute and beyond the walls of the Institute. The cell is conducting R&D, cooperative educations, Industry-Institute Interactions & management.

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell compromises of the following staff members
Sh. Puneet Chawla, Associate Professor
Electrical Engg.
Coordinator (EDP Cell)
Sh. Gaurav Singh Sisodia, Associate Professor,
Ms. Priyanka Handa, Assistant Professor,
Sh. Sandeep Sachdeva, Clerk
The Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell compromises of the following staff members
Sh. Puneet Chawla, Associate Professor
Sh. Ashok Kumar Garg, Assistant Professor, Mech. Engg.
Ms. Bharti Sethi, Assistant Professor, CSE
Ms. Anju Godara, Assistant Professor, CSE
Sh. Jagjeet Singh, Assistant Professor, Mech. Engg.
Ms. Manju Godara, Assistant Professor, Civil Engg.
EDP Club 2024-2025

Since the constitution of the EDP Cell in the Institute the cell has organised the following activities for promotion of EDP & to improve Institute Interaction:-
Sr No. | Name of expert with designation | Name & Address of the organization of expert | Date of Delivery of lecture | Class to whom the lecture is delivered |