Science & Other Labs
Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering & Technology
Chemistry Lab
The Lab is equipped with various models different type of apparatus testing materials. Our chemistry Laboratory has all the equipment in sufficient quantity so that each student can perform his practical individually.

Physics Lab
The Ch. Devi Lal Memorial Engineering, Department of Applied Physics has been a vital source of imparting technical education since the beginning of Institution. Our Department has been at the center of the revolution in understanding the basic concepts of Physics. The Department of Applied Physics is providing a sound science base for all engineering disciplines in their I and II semester. The courses of the II semester are designed to serve the need for a particular branch of engineering. The department has well equipped labs for B.TECH. Students where experiments are designed to broaden experimental skill related to various branches of engineering and technology. This program has been specially designed to meet the requirements of the scientists, working in various research laboratories and industrial organizations in and around Delhi. Major emphasis in this program is laid on Electronics, Material science, Applied Optics including Laser and Fiber Optics and Instrumentation.
Electronics Lab
One of the most technology intensive laboratories in the college is surely one of the best available in engineering colleges today. Significant investment has been made to ensure that the lab has all the necessary equipment and all of it in working order. All the necessary instruments like techometer, best quality function generators, voltmeters, ammeters, watt meters and a.c. and d.c. motors are available.
Electrical Engg. department Lab (click here)
Lab Equipments of EE Department (click here)