B.Tech/B.Tech(LEET) – 2023-24

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Computer Science & Engineering

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Study Materials

1st Semester2nd Semester3rd Semester4th Semester5th Semester6th Semester7th Semester8th Semester
Chapter 3, propagation of light and geometric optics by Dr.T.R.Mudgal (1106 downloads ) Norton's Theorem

Database System Text book1 - 4th Sem by Dr. Sanjay Dahiya (1291 downloads ) Computer Graphics (1338 downloads ) Management Information System Text books - 8th Sem - Dr. Sanjay Dahiya (1304 downloads )
Chapter 1 by Dr.T.R Mudgal (2691 downloads ) Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Database System Text book2 - 4th Sem by Dr. Sanjay Dahiya (1279 downloads ) Theory of Automata and computation E-book (769 downloads ) Software Testing Text book (708 downloads )
Delta to star Transformation
Data Communication and Networking E-book (1231 downloads ) How to program in Turbo Prolog (1366 downloads ) MIS books (214 downloads )
Star to Delta Transformation

Software-Engineering-Notes by Anju Godara (1240 downloads ) IS ebook (1105 downloads ) MIS books (214 downloads )
Star to Delta and Delta to star Transformation

Software Engineering by Anju Godara (1186 downloads ) Ebook of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS BY BHARTI SETHI (1084 downloads ) MIS books (214 downloads )
Amendment of constitution by Bhupinder Singh (1048 downloads ) Computer Network E-book (1183 downloads ) How to program in Turbo Prolog by Bharti Sethi (1126 downloads ) DEMO BOOK -HOW TO WRITE A THESIS FOR CSE BY SEEMA RANI (1219 downloads )
Constitution (1)- by Dr. Bhupinder Singh (1096 downloads ) How to program in Turbo Prolog (1366 downloads ) Turbo_Prolog_Manual official by Bharti Sethi (1163 downloads ) GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A THESIS OR DISSERTATION FOR CSE SEEMA RANI (1231 downloads )
Emergency (1) by Dr. Bhupinder Singh (1063 downloads ) Turbo_Prolog_Manual official by Bharti Sethi (1163 downloads ) Intelligent systems lab by bharti Sethi (1115 downloads ) Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation (1209 downloads )
Federal structure and distribution of legislative and Financial powers between the union and the state by Bhupinder Singh (1036 downloads ) Addressing Modes 8086 by Gourav (0 downloads ) Intelligent systems lab by bharti Sethi (1115 downloads ) Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation (1209 downloads )
Local governments by Bhupinder Singh (1113 downloads ) Addressing modes in 8085 microprocessor by Gourav (1067 downloads ) Intelligent systems lab by bharti Sethi (1115 downloads ) Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation (1209 downloads )
Parliamentary System by Bhupinder Singh (1169 downloads ) Instruction Format 8085 by Gourav (1006 downloads ) Intelligent systems lab by bharti Sethi (1115 downloads ) Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation (1209 downloads )
Sailent _ features _of _ Indian _ constitutio by Bhupinder Singh (1157 downloads ) Backtracking_intro by Bharti (0 downloads ) Backtracking_intro by Bharti (0 downloads ) Distributed operating systems by Anju Godara (708 downloads )
Numerical on R-L series circuit
Graph coloring by Bharti (1047 downloads ) Graph coloring by Bharti (1047 downloads ) Cryptography and Network Security by Anju Godara (1317 downloads )
Video 28 of Power Electronics II
complete reference of java by Arushi Bansal (1044 downloads ) Android practicals by Arushi Bansal (1079 downloads ) DOS notes by Anju Godara (1087 downloads )
Video 29 of Power Electronics II
Lab manual of java by Arushi Bansal (1014 downloads ) Android Menu by Arushi Bansal (1113 downloads ) DOS notes by Anju Godara (1079 downloads )
Video 30 of Power Electronics II
backtracking_intro by Bharti Sethi (1131 downloads ) Android SQLite Tutorial by Arushi Bansal (0 downloads ) ICS notes by Anju Godara (0 downloads )
EMD Video 21 of Electrical Machine Design
graph coloring by Bharti Sethi (1049 downloads ) Android UI Widgets by Arushi Bansal (1115 downloads ) Software Testing (1090 downloads )
Video 1 of Power Electronics II
Android XML and JSON by Arushi Bansal (729 downloads )
Video 2 of Power Electronics II
backtracking_intro by Bharti Sethi (1131 downloads )
Video 3 of Power Electronics II
graph coloring by Bharti Sethi (1049 downloads )
Video 4 of Power Electronics II
Expert System (1100 downloads )
Video 5 of Power Electronics II
Video 6 of Power Electronics II
Video 13 of Power Electronics II
Video 14 of Power Electronics II
Video 17 of Power Electronics II
Video 18 of Power Electronics II
Video 19 of Power Electronics II